Read about our latest news in 2019
Press release: We are back. European Pension Tracking Service FYP under way.
10/2019 - In 2021, mobile workers in the EU should be able to find their pension provider in at least five EU member states on a new European platform.

Press release: European Tracking Service on Pensions
03/2019 - EU project for the pilot phase of a European Tracking Service on Pensions started. European Commission funds 3 year program with 1.7 million euro.
Consultation days
03/2019 - Information event: Pension Rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.

Short report about the communication conference
02/2019 - On the 5th of February 2019; the first common (pension) communication conference organized by the associations EAPSPI, ESIP and the FindyourPension initiative took place at the University of Leuven.
IPE article concerning the European Tracking Service
02/2019 - After Steven Janssen and Claudia Wegner-Wahnschaffe gave a presentation concerning the European Tracking Service during the joint communication conference in Leuven, an interesting article concerning this new European project was released in the IPE (investments & Pensions Europe) magazine a day afterwards.
Conference Presentations
02/2019 - We had a truly interesting and succesful conference with a great exchange of many pensions communication specialists!
Common Communication Conference
01/2019 - Worldwide, pension institutions and social security administrations work on improving pension communication in order to achieve better understanding of old age provisions for the citizens.