Press release: We are back. European Pension Tracking Service FYP under way.
Date: 10/2019
In 2021, mobile workers in the EU should be able to find their pension provider in at least five EU member states on a new European platform. Since the beginning of 2019, a consortium consisting of eight experienced pension stakeholders aims to develop such a pilot for a European pension tracking service under the already existing brand ‘FindyourPension’. In addition a proof of concept for the provision of individual pension data will be delivered in order to work on effective and secure ways of data exchange.
The consortium will build upon the conclusion of the TTYPE project that has run between 2013 and 2016, which concluded that creating a European pension tracking service is feasible.
The pilot website will make use of the experiences and input of the network of the www.findyourpension.eu initiative for mobile workers. Next to a Find Your Provider service in at least five EU countries, this platform needs to offer an information service in a wide range of EU Member States.
On the 2nd of October 2019, during the project’s kick-off Conference in Brussels, the ETS consortium presented its plans. It revealed the state of play of digital pension communication in Europe and provided a platform for debate between relevant stakeholders like European policy makers and politicians, pension providers, national pension tracking services, social partners and potential users. The discussions during the day demonstrated that the ambition to make further progress in setting up this service is shared by many.
Download: ETS Kick-off Event: Presentation, PDF
Percy Bischoff (Head of the VBL Board Department and Chairman of the ETS Steering Committee)
It is an exciting and challenging task the ETS consortium has taken up to build the ground layer for digital pension communication at the European level. During the coming two and half years we will work on a cross border European pension tracking service that both beneficiaries and pension providers can benefit from. There is still a lot of work to be done, before a service is actually installed. However, we have received so much support for our ideas from all over Europe, and we feel comfortable, that this next step can be taken with the help of experienced partners and stakeholders.
Ana Carla Pereira, European Commission, Head of Unit at DG EMPL
We know that in many countries there is still no access to individualized information. Following different pensions rights accrued in different countries can be even more challenging. Projects as the ETS are essential for bringing an actual added-value for the life of citizens by informing them on their pension rights in all situations, which will allow them to take action.
We are pleased to see that the ETS consortium managed to engage so many stakeholders at the kick-off event – this is a signal of the existing collective commitment and hopefully we can continue to think together about a common vision for the way forward after the completion of the project.
Anders Lundström CEO of Minpension (Sweden)
Creating a national pension tracking service is a big step and a big challenge. It takes a lot of time to find and address different segments and to create engagement. The ETS Consortium has developed a great approach so far and we hope to have more National Tracking Services to engage with in the future too.
Contact ETS project:
- Maurice Wilbrink Tel +31-30-2771500
- Claudia Wegner-Wahnschaffe Tel +49-721-155-498