Read about our latest news in 2021
European Retirement Week
12/2021 - The ETS project teamed up as a partner of the well-designed European Retirement Week some weeks ago. You can find a report as well as the records and presentations of our dedicated webinar here.

EIOPA Technical Advise
12/2021 - On December 1st 2021, EIOPA published its Technical Advice on the development of Pension Tracking Services (PTS). While the main topic is the development of PTS in Member States, EIOPA states that nearly the same scope and goals as for a PTS hold true for the ETS.

The new Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan
06/2021 - On 4th March 2021, the European Commission published its Action Plan for delivering the Pillar of Social Rights, setting new headline targets at EU level to be reached by 2030 in the areas of employment, skills and social protection.
Data Authentication
06/2021 - With the help of the ETS, users can retrieve personal and individual pension data. Therefore, the institution providing the data must be certain that the person requesting the data is who he or she claims to be, meaning the user must be identified and authenticated.

ETS/NTS meeting 20th of April
06/2021 - National Tracking Services (NTS) play a vital role in the development of the ETS. On the 20th of April, the ETS consortium organized the 3rd meeting with representatives of various different NTSs for an online discussion.
EU holds magnifying glass on pension tracking systems
06/2021 - Last year the European Commission presented the Capital Markets Union Action Plan.