Press Release
The European Tracking Service (ETS) Association is proud to announce that it has been awarded with a grant of 4.7 million Euro from the European Union for the next phase of the European Tracking Service on Pensions.

Pilot Project Report
11/2022 - The final Pilot Project Report is out! On Wednesday the 30th of November 2022, we handed it over to the European Commission, Directorate DG EMPL. The report includes a description of all the project deliverables as well as the way we came to our conclusions and concepts.
- The pilot website
- The Connection Concept as well as its proof of implementation (PoC),
- The founding of an ETS association and
- The ETS-network and its Forum on Pension Communication
The report ends with chapter 5: the next steps and plans towards the fully functional ETS.
The story of 10 million
What the ETS is about. A short summary of our goals and the ETS association. Feel free to share!

Intermediate report
Since the project was extended by one year, we completed an Intermediate report in early 2022. It provides an interim status of the project results and an outlook on how the next phase of the ETS could look like.
Survey Report on the State-of-play of National Tracking Services 2019.
12/2020 - In 2019, the ETS project conducted a survey on the state of play of national tracking services. We are very happy that we can now share our final results with you!

Publication of the Findyourpension Study
01/2020 - The Findyourpension portal was created in 2011 as a combined information and tracking tool about European pension systems in order to assist mobile researchers in Europe dealing with their fragmented work biographies.