Where we come from
The ETS project builds on the Track and Trace Your Pension in Europe Project, which in 2016 recommended to build a European pension tracking services. The service builds on www.FindyourPension.eu – a portal supporting mobile researchers since 2011. A consortium of pension stakeholders has delivered a pilot project in 2022, with financial support from the European Union.
EU project for the pilot phase of a European Tracking Service on Pensions started
A consortium of experienced European pension stakeholders took up the challenge to carry out a European Commission action to develop the Pilot stage of a European Tracking Service on Pensions (ETS).
The European Commission called for the ‘development of web-based cross-border pension tracking services that help mobile workers follow their pension rights accrued in different Member States and pension schemes in the course of their career’.
The 2.1 million euro project was funded both by the European Commission (1.7 million euro) and by the consortium partners. The project lasted four years and was a continuation of the earlier TTYPE (Track and Trace Your Pension in Europe) initiative. The TTYPE project ran from June 2013 to June 2016 and delivered the possible design, recommendations and a business plan for a European pension tracking service.
The project started on 1 January 2019, the consortium has built the pilot stage of the European Tracking Service on Pensions under the already existing brand www.FindyourPension.eu, a website which has been supporting mobile researchers in dealing with their various different pension claims since 2011.
The ETS Pilot offers general information on pension landscapes in a wide range of European countries and helps mobile workers in finding their pension providers in at least five Member States. Main goal of the service is to provide cross border and other professionally mobile workers an insight in their personal pension situation. Therefore, interfaces and the technical basis to show accrued pension entitlements via the ETS were created in a ‘Proof of Concept’ being part of the project.
Following a step by step approach, the goal is to roll out the service and connect as many National Tracking Services and pension providers to the platform as possible after the project phase.
The Consortium members during this first phase of the project were:
- National Pension Tracking Facilities
- Sigedis (Belgium)
- Minpension.se (Sweden)
- Pension Providers/Institutions
- APG (the Netherlands)
- Federal Pensions Service (Belgium)
- The Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten) (Sweden)
- PGGM (the Netherlands)
- Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL, Germany)
- Association
- European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP)