Survey Report on the State-of-play of National Tracking Services 2019.
Date: 12/2020
In 2019, the ETS project conducted a survey on the state of play of national tracking services. We are very happy that we can now share our final results with you!
In the development of a European Tracking Service on Pensions, the ETS project wished to get more insight in the development of national tracking services (NTS) across Europe. This insight regarding the presence and state of play of NTSs is important to the project, as the implementation of an ETS highly depends on the willingness of pension providers and national tracking services to join and connect. Also, the survey was a way for the project team to get in touch with pension communication experts across Europe.
In the report, you can find an overview of the state of play of national tracking services in 2014, 2019 and a possible image for the future. Also, you can read about the challenges and developments our respondents saw for national tracking services, which are relevant for the ETS project as well.
For now, enjoy reading the final report!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at any time.