ETS: an example of social innovation
Date: 07/2022
In May 2022, the evaluation of the last period of the European Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Axis Program was closed with a conference bringing together European social innovation actors who have been awarded grants under the mentioned program 2014-2020. Being funded by this EU program since 2019, representatives of the ETS-project were also present here. During the 2014-2020 programming period, the EaSI program provided financial support to 35 projects to test social and labour market policy innovations before being implemented at a larger scale, as well as to build up the main actors' capacity to design and implement social policy initiatives.
The European Commission has been facilitating socially innovative undertakings as sources of growth and employment. The EaSI Program is part of this objective in shape of a financing instrument at EU level. Supporting, mobile workers and citizens in dealing with their pensions is considered a socially innovative service.
The EaSI closing conference gave us a chance to present the ETS project and its results. Meeting the experts of other EaSI and European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) projects, of the European Commission and of national competence centers showed us that many parties work on meeting the social needs of European citizens in innovative ways. The conference was inspiring and brought us new ideas and contacts, not to mention a good amount of new motivation to continue on our path.