ETS events in Berlin and during the European Retirement Week
Date: 07/2022
On 29th September, the European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions (EAPSPI) Annual Pension Conference in Berlin opens with an ETS project event featuring the Forum on Pension Communication. The conference will revolve around the input from various types of stakeholders. Participants will hear from representatives of the European Commission, the German Labour Ministry, pension experts and others. A specific session will deal with experiences and reflections of representatives of Pension Tracking Services (PTSs). The event will feature a discussion on pension communication from a user perspective and also, we will update participants on the functioning of the FYP Portal and Pension Tracker and the general state of affairs of the project.
We welcome those wishing to join us in Berlin's Humboldt University Ballroom in the afternoon of September 29th. Registration happens through the link below and is open until the end of August. As the ETS project event takes place in association with EAPSPI, the Annual EAPSPI Pension Conference 2022 follows on Friday, 30th September 2022 at the same conference location. EAPSPI invites all ETS participants to join. Find the practical guide for download here.
You can find the directions to the event location here.
In addition, the ETS will organize a separate event as part of the annual European Retirement Week in the afternoon of the 30th of November. As the event's title, “Ready for Take Off. Launching the European Tracking Service Organization", suggests, we would like to take this moment to celebrate the launch of our original ETS organization. More information to follow.