Invitation Webinar - Survey Results
Towards a European Tracking Service for pensions
Results on pension communication in Europe
Date: Monday July 6th, 2020
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Microsoft Teams
Find the link to the webinar here.
The consortium of ETS would like to invite you to join the online event about the survey results on pension communication in Europe on July 6th, 2020! During this meeting, Lisa Brüggen will present the results of the survey on pension communication in Europe. Yves Stevens will reflect on the results, in light of his research and experience, followed by a discussion how these results are relevant in developing the European Tracking Service for pensions further. These results and discussion will bring us to the later content guidelines of the ETS- FYP.
If you would like to attend the ETS webinar, please confirm your attendance by replying to this email, indicating your full name and organization.
About the survey
Pension systems in Europe are as diverse as the European Member States themselves, representing different pillars, providers and communication practices. Therefore, finding a standard way of communicating and informing about pensions is not an easy task. When it comes to communicating about pensions, it is certainly true that “one size does not fit all”.
This survey is the second step to systematically analyse the pension communication processes and foster best practice exchange between pension institutions and providers of all pillars in Europe. The survey entails the organisation of the pension communication process, the objectives of informing citizens, the content and presentation of information and ways or digital tools of communicating about pensions.
If you have not yet filled out the survey, you can do that here!
About the Speakers:
Lisa Brüggen
Lisa Brüggen is Professor for Financial Services at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). She is also member of the supervisory board of NIBUD. She is leading the research theme "Human Decisions and Policy Design", and she is Netspar research fellow. She is an internationally recognized expert in services marketing and financial well-being, particularly regarding pension communications. She is also an internationally recognized expert on pension communication in the public arena where she presents her work to board members of large pension providers or shares her insights through the public press such as the Financieel Dagblad, or BNR newsradio.
Yves Stevens
Yves Stevens is specialized in social and pension law. As a social law professor at the KU Leuven he teaches classes in social security law, labor law, social complementary insurances and the legal aspects of HRM. He’s also the coordinator of the specialized pension law program and the director of the legal post-academic training programs. Professor Stevens is an expert in the international pension information and communication field due to his relevant research provided during his career e.g. contributions in the peer review in social protection and social inclusion for the European Commission (“Y. STEVENS & L. VAN ASSCHE, Peer Review on the right to retirement pension information, Discussion Paper, Brussel, European Commission, 2013). Additionally, he was a member of the High level Group of Experts on pensions From the European Commission, who published their report in January 2020.
Please join our webinar about pension communication in Europe!