Pension ABC

Ruhegehalts- und Zusatzversorgungskasse des Saarlandes (RZVK)

A. Starting or changing my job (Permanent employment)

B. My pension benefits (Permanent employment)

C. Nearing retirement (Permanent employment)

D. Starting or changing my job (Temporary employment)

E. My pension benefits (Temporary employment)

F. Nearing retirement (Temporary employment)

A. Starting or changing my job (Permanent employment)

A1. When would I be insured with RZVK-Saar?

  • When you work in the public service in Germany, the collective labour agreement states that you are entitled to have an occupational retirement pension.
  • When you work in the public service in the Federal State Saarland, this pension service is provided by RZVK des Saarlandes.

A2. Is there a choice to join the pension scheme?

As a researcher in a public research institution who has a permanent work contract; you are automatically insured with RZVK Pflichtversicherung.

RZVK Pflichtversicherung - key features:

  • To be eligible for benefits the minimum period for which you must have been in active insurance is 5 years.
  • Periods of parental leave and disability are considered in calculating the amount of pension which you will receive (social components).
  • The amount of your pension depends on your income, age and the duration of your insurance. Pension rights are accrued according to a points model whereby pension points are gained each year in line with your income and your age factor (this is determined by actuarial calculations).

A3. Who pays the contributions for my pension provision with RZVK-Saar?

The contributions are subdivided between the employer and the employee, whereupon the employer pays the bigger part. The proportion between contributions of the employer and contributions of the employee is definited by the relevant labour agreement.

A4. What happens if my contract is complete and I begin working elsewhere in Germany?

  • If you switch to another employer who insures its employees with RZVK Pflichtversicherung your insurance will continue in that scheme. All time and contributions go towards the 60 months qualifying period.
  • If your new employer is a member of another German supplementary public sector pension fund (in a clinic for example) then these contributions are also recognised by RZVK Pflichtversicherung and vice versa. Therefore there is no gap in your insurance history.
  • If your new employer doesn`t belong to the public sector:
    • If contributions are no longer paid then the insurance membership is deferred
    • In all scenarios you retain all your pension entitlements. Once you keep us updated with the details of your new address, we will continue to send you the annual statements on your insurance.

A5. What happens if my contract is complete and I begin working outside Germany?

  • If contributions are no longer paid, the insurance membership is deferred.
  • In all cases, you retain your pension entitlements.
  • Because the claims are not funded it is not possible to transfer the capital value of the entitlements. The one exception to this is for employees of a European Union institution.

A6. How to update my personal data?

You can update your personal data in writing to:

Ruhegehalts- und Zusatzversorgungskasse des Saarlandes
Fritz-Dobisch-Strasse 12
Postfach 10 24 32
66024 Saarbrücken


B. My pension benefits (Permanent employment)

B1. What are the benefits of RZVK-Saar?

Your benefits are:

  • Old-age – Retirement age in Germany 67 years
  • Incapacity pension – Unable to work due to illness or injury
  • Survivors´pension (spouse, registered partner, orphans)

B2. Is there a minimum period of eligibility?

Do I have to fulfill a minimum time period before I am eligible for pension benefits?

Once you are insured with RZVK Pflichtversicherung there must have been 5 years of contribution payments in order for your pension rights to become "vested". This is set out in the collective agreement and The Act on the Promotion of Occupational Pensions (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung (Betriebsrentengesetz - BetrAVG)).

B3. How high can I expect my pension to be?

Pension Points:

With the simple formula below you can calculate your own pension points for the year. Divide a twelfth of your annual pensionable salary by the reference salary of €1000. Then multiply that by your age factor. The result, rounded up to 2 decimal points is your pension points for the year.

B4. Can I increase my future pension by paying additional contributions?

  • Yes, there are a number of options. In addition to the supplementary pension of RZVK you accrue under the collective labour agreement you can add to your occupational pension by making your own contributions on a voluntary basis.
  • With RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung, we offer an attractive product for voluntary insurance which yield high returns.
  • It is important to note that when insured with a voluntary insurance you may be eligible forstate benefits such as the ‚Riester’ benefits or ‚Entgeltumwandlung’ (salary foregone). The Riester benefits allow you to save tax by means of tax-deductible special expenses. Entgeltumwandlung is an agreement made between you and your employer to convert part of your gross income into pension contributions, thus saving tax and social security fees.

C. Nearing retirement (Permanent employment)

C1. When can I apply for my benefits?

The RZVK Pflichtversicherung benefits are paid when:

  • You reach retirement age or you become incapacitated/disabled according to the conditions detailed in the German Social Insurance Code (SGB).
  • RZVK also provides cover for your spouse, registered partner, orphaned and half-orphaned children in the event of your death.
  • If you were insured with the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) you have to present a certificate from the DRV about the amount of your pension.

C2. Where do I apply for a pension?

Please contact the customer service of the RZVK Saar.

Ruhegehalts- und Zusatzversorgungskasse des Saarlandes
Fritz-Dobisch-Strasse 12
Postfach 10 24 32
66024 Saarbrücken

Link: Or apply online

C3. How high can I expect my pension to be?

Pension Points:

With the simple formula below you can calculate your own pension points for the year. Divide a twelfth of your annual pensionable salary by the reference salary of €1000. Then multiply that by your age factor. The result, rounded up to 2 decimal points is your pension points for the year.

C4. How will the pension be paid out?

The monthly pension will be transferred to a bank account either in Germany or abroad.

D. Starting or changing my job (Temporary employment)

D1. When would I be insured with RZVK-Saar?

  • When you work in the public service in Germany, the collective labour agreement states that you are entitled to have an occupational retirement pension.
  • When you work in the public service in the Federal State Saarland, this pension service is provided by RZVK des Saarlandes.

D2. Is there a choice to join the pension scheme?

As a researcher in a public research institution who:

  • Has a work contract for less than 5 years (i. e. you are in temporary employment)
  • Has not been previously insured with RZVK Pflichtversicherung or another mandatory insurance scheme of the German public sector.

You can choose between RZVK Pflichtversicherung and RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung.

RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung RZVK Pflichtversicherung
No minimum period during which contributions have been paid is required, i.e. payment of the very first contribution makes you eligible for later benefits. To be eligible for benefits you must have been in active insurance for at least 5 years.
Fully funded. Pay as you go financed
There are no service times recognized in times of parental leave or disability. Periods of parental leave and disability are considered in calculating the amount of pension which you will receive (social components)
The guaranteed pension is lower than with RZVK Pflichtversicherung because the basis of calculation is different and there is no qualifying period. Possible capital earnings increase the benefits.  
The amount of pension you receive depends on your income, age and how long you have been insured. The amount of pension depends on your income, age and the duration of your insurance.

D3. Who pays the contributions for my pension provision with RZVK-Saar?

If you are insured with RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung all insurance contributions are paid by the employers.

D4. What happens if my contract is complete and I begin working elsewhere in Germany?

If your new employer belongs to the public sector in the Federal State Saarland:

  • If you were previously insured with RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung and once again you are employed as a researcher in a public research institution affiliated with RZVK Saar for a short period of time you will continue to be insured in the RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung scheme.
  • Have you now got a permanent contract? If so you are insured under RZVK Pflichtversicherung.

2. If your new employer belongs to the public sector in another German Federal State with exception of the Saarland and the Hanse City of Hamburg:


  • With a temporary contract you will be insured with the VBLextra pension scheme of the Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL).
  • With a permanent contract you will be insured with the VBLklassik pension scheme of the Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL).

4. If your new employer doesn`t belong to the public sector:

  • You will retain the option to continue paying contributions to your RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung pension as long as you apply for this within 3 months of the end of your employment. This way you will be able to continue taking advantage of state funding.
  • If contributions are no longer paid, the insurance membership is deferred.
  • In all cases, you retain your pension entitlements. All you need to do is keep us updated as to your address and we will continue to send you the annual statements on your pension.
  • The capital value of the pension claim can be transferred to other pension institutions if certain statutory requirements are met.

D5. What happens if my contract is complete and I begin working outside Germany?

You will retain the option to continue paying contributions to your RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung pension as long as you apply for this within 3 months of the end of your employment.

D6. What happens if my employment contract is extended or continued?

If your employment contract is extended or continued to a period of five years or longer, a change in your insurance follows. Your employer has to register you in the RZVK Pflichtversicherung scheme in accordance with the special arrangement for scientists. RZVK Pflichtversicherung cannot be back-dated to the beginning of your employment. The preceding month in the RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung do count in terms of reaching the qualifying period, if certain requirements are met.

Your RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung will deferred. You retain your vested entitlements which has been accrued up to this time. Possible capital earnings increase the benefits.

A continuation of your RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung insurance is possible by paying your own contributions.

D7. How to update my personal data?

You can update your personal data in writing to:

Ruhegehalts- und Zusatzversorgungskasse des Saarlandes
Fritz-Dobisch-Strasse 12
Postfach 10 24 32
66024 Saarbrücken


E. My pension benefits (Temporary employment)

E1. What are the benefits of RZVK-Saar?

Your benefits are:

  • Old-age – Retirement age in Germany 67 years
  • Incapacity pension – Unable to work due to illness or injury
  • Survivors´pension (spouse, registered partner, orphans)

E2. Is there a minimum period of eligibility?

If you are insured with RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung no minimum period is required. The very first contribution makes you eligible for later benefits.

E3. How high can I expect my pension to be?

Pension Points in the Points Model:

With the simple formula below you can calculate your own pension points for the year Divide your paid contributions for the year by the applicable reference salary of €1200. Then multiply that by your age factor. The result, rounded up to 2 decimal points is your annual pension points.

Please note: Your age factor and reference contribution are determined by the beginning of your individual contract. Consult your General Insurance Terms (AVB) for the applicable age factor table - see the following link.

Be aware: In the funded RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung scheme the guaranteed pension is lower than in RZVK Pflichtversicherung but in case of surplus sharing higher benefits can be accrued.

E4. Can I increase my future pension by paying additional contributions?

Yes, there are 2 options.

  • In addition to the supplementary pension of RZVK you accrue under the collective labour agreement you can add to your occupational pension by making your own contributions on a voluntary basis.
  • It is important to note that when insured with a voluntary additional insurance you may be eligible for state benefits such as the ‚Riester’ benefits or ‚Entgeltumwandlung’ (salary foregone). The Riester benefits allow you to save tax by means of tax-deductible special expenses. Entgeltumwandlung is an agreement made between you and your employer toconvert part of your gross income into pension contributions, thus saving tax and social security fees.

With RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung, we offer attractive products for voluntary insurance which yield high returns.

F. Nearing retirement (Temporary employment)

F1. When can I apply for my benefits?

The RZVK benefits are paid when:

  • You reach retirement age or become incapacitated/disabled according to the conditions detailed in the German Social Insurance Code (SGB).
  • Also survivors' pension for your spouse, registered partner, orphaned and half-orphaned children is provided.
  • If you were insured with the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) you have to present a certificate from the DRV about the amount of your pension.
  • Please note: The retirement age is determined by the beginning of your individual contract. If you have any queries about your individual retirement age please contact our customer service team (C2).

F2. Where do I apply for a pension?

Please contact the customer service of the RZVK Saar.

Ruhegehalts- und Zusatzversorgungskasse des Saarlandes
Fritz-Dobisch-Strasse 12
Postfach 10 24 32
66024 Saarbrücken

Link: Or apply online

F3. How high can I expect my pension to be?

Pension Points in the Points Model:

With the simple formula below you can calculate your own pension points for the year Divide your paid contributions for the year by the applicable reference salary of €1200. Then multiply that by your age factor. The result, rounded up to 2 decimal points is your annual pension points.

Please note: Your age factor and reference contribution are determined by the beginning of your individual contract. Consult your General Insurance Terms (AVB) for the applicable age factor table - see the following link.

Be aware: In the funded RZVK Freiwillige Versicherung scheme the guaranteed pension is lower than in RZVK Pflichtversicherung but in case of surplus sharing higher benefits can be accrued.

F4. How will the pension be paid out?

The monthly pension will be transferred to a bank account either in Germany or abroad.