Follow-up workshop on Pension Communication.
Date: Thursday November 26th
Time: 14:00 h- 16:00 h
Location: Online meeting, either Zoom or MS teams. Please mention your preference in application.
After the webinar on the outcomes of the second ETS pension communication survey, we are happy to announce a follow-up interactive workshop on pension information on the 26th of November from 14:00 – 16:00h.
Goal of the workshop
The goal of this workshop is to generate insights in the ETS pilot and how to design tailored pension information for mobile workers. In an interactive manner, we will exchange knowledge and ideas about how holistic pension information can be presented without creating information overload.
What will the workshop be about?
After a short introduction of the work on the Findyourpension.eu, an interactive workshop on pension communication will be moderated by Prof. dr. Lisa Brüggen. By using service design techniques, a pressure cooker workshop will be conducted during which the challenges of writing pension communication in an understandable way will be demonstrated. Moreover, Prof. dr. Lisa Brüggen will share best practice examples from pension communication, and communication principles that should be used for more effective pension communication in order to draw conclusions for the “content guidelines” or basic principles in how we will include information in the ETS Pilot.
The agenda of the workshop
- Introduction and goal of the workshop (14:00- 14:05)
- Status update on the ETS Project- Methodology and approach of the Findyourpension website: Small preview of the wireframes- guided tours Claudia Wegner-Wahnschaffe & Aubery Merens (14:05- 14:25)
- Writing exercise: Simple and understandable pension communication – digital whiteboard- chat function: Break-outs in different groups (14:30- 15:10)
- Coffee Break (15:10 – 15:15)
- Discussion and Lessons learned from the writing exercise – communication principles for the content guidelines (15:15- 15:30)
- Presentation from Lisa What are the similarities between the different pillars? Reflection on the exercise and best practice examples in simple and understandable pension communication (Lisa Brüggen) (15:30 -15:50)
- Questions and wrap- up (15:50 – 16:00)
If you would like to attend the ETS online event, please confirm your attendance by replying to this email-address, indicating your full name and organization, and you preference for zoom or MS Teams until latest 15th November.
We are looking forward to welcome you on the workshop!
About the speaker - Lisa Bruggen
Lisa Brüggen is Professor for Financial Services at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). She is also member of the supervisory board of NIBUD. She is leading the research theme "Human Decisions and Policy Design", and she is Netspar research fellow. She is an internationally recognized expert in services marketing and financial well-being, particularly regarding pension communications. She is also an internationally recognized expert on pension communication in the public arena where she presents her work to board members of large pension providers or shares her insights through the public press such as the Financieel Dagblad, or BNR newsradio.