Video and presentations of the first ETS webinar on pension communication on the 6th of July.
Date: 07/2020
On the 6th of July the ETS project organised its first online webinar on Pension information and communication.
Pension systems in Europe are as diverse as the European Member States themselves, representing different pillars, providers and communication practices. Therefore, finding a common way of communicating and informing about pensions is not an easy task. When it comes to communicating about pensions, it is certainly true that “one size does not fit all”.
The first speaker was Lisa Brüggen, who is Professor for Financial Services at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). She presented the results and evaluated the survey on pension communication, which serves as a first basis for best practices exchange among different pension pillars.
Afterwards, professor Stevens, who is an expert in the international pension information and communication field, reflected on the topic pension communication and the reason for communicating in general.
In an interesting discussion, both speakers evaluated how we could foster the idea of having a more holistic view on pension information and how we can achieve this in the context of the ETS.
Please find below the presentations of the speakers, the introduction of the ETS project, the agenda of the day and a video of the webinar.