Creating the Pilot ETS: Finding and understanding pensions (Findyourpension 2.0).
Date: 10/2020
The European Tracking Service “Findyourpension (FYP)” will offer a European portal on pensions where mobile workers in Europe can find their current, past or future pension providers and institutions as well as targeted information and in a later stage an overview of their personal pension entitlements.
In order to make the individual overview possible, the project is preparing the IT infrastructure to connect National Tracking Systems (NTS) with the ETS and collect the personal data according to GDPR and other requirements as a second product. The ETS –FYP-portal will contain targeted information at least of 5 European countries.
What will the pilot offer?
As the pension topic is very complex and the pension information is dependent on different pension concepts in the EU, the content creation of the website shall be tailored and holistic in order to provide information that is easy understandable and doesn’t lead to an overload.
User will find tailored information consisting of
- Recommendations in the form of a personalized action lists on what to do regarding pensions,
- List and contacts of the pension providers they may have been affiliated with as well as
- Their personal overview via a pension dashboard function after logging-in. This section will include the personal pension entitlements of connected data sources and offers a self-track and storing function as well.
Next steps in building up the Pilot
In autumn this year, the FYP-ETS Pilot website will be implemented technically. The respective work stream is working on it making use of the given experience on website design, UX, homepage, guided tours etc. of the consortium partners as well as the support of Prof. Lisa Brüggen. Regarding tailoring of pension information for mobile workers, the project is designing the pension landscapes on an evidence-based and customer-oriented approach. On the basis of the current EU Mobility Report, target groups have been defined and their specific touch-and pain points are taken into account when drafting the so called “guided tours”, leading users to the information they need in order to answer their specific needs. A standard interview format has been developed with which these needs can be identified. At the moment, the content team is setting up contents of pension information from 2 example countries (Germany and Sweden).
To make sure that pension information and landscapes are always up-to-date and accurate, the FYP portal is based on a content management system which will be maintained by editors from different countries. Part of the pilot work stream is therefore a so-called ETS content guideline, settling and documenting the design and process of content provision. Here, the different pension concepts of the European states are recognized and best practises of pension providers of all pillars will be taken into account.
Follow-up workshop on Pension Communication
After our webinar on the outcomes of the second ETS pension communication survey, we are happy to announce the follow-up interactive workshop on holistic pension information on the 26th of November in the afternoon. The workshop will be moderated by Lisa Brüggen who will present best practices in effective pension communication. Please find more information here.
We are looking forward to welcome you on the workshop!